
The test data set is consisting of one enhanced CT scan, several unenhanced CT scans with different levels of breathing and cardiac phase. A binary lung mask of the enhanced CT scan is provided.  In all situations the enhanced CT scan is marked as the reference standard. The displacement field is showing the geometry of the enhanced CT scan were each voxel is pointing towards the unenhanced CT scan. It is possible to download an example input scans (training set) for registration. A displacement field of the Z direction of an tested algorithm is also given in the training set.

Test set:

·         Enhanced CT scan

·         Mask of the lungs of the enhanced CT scan

·         Unenhanced CT scan with a small diaphragm difference: 3mm

·         Unenhanced CT scan with an average clinical diaphragm difference: 8mm

·         Unenhanced CT scan with a large diaphragm difference: 20 mm

·         Enhanced CT scan with a noise level of 10 higher compared to the standard enhanced scan

·         Unenhanced CT scan with a large diaphragm difference: 20 mm and with a noise level of 10 times higher compared to the standard scan

·         Enhanced CT scan with a lower noise level (2x) compared to the standard enhanced scan

·         Unenhanced CT scan with a large diaphragm difference: 20 mm and with a lower noise level (2x) compared to the standard scan

·         Enhanced CT scan with titanium pins in the spine

·         Unenhanced CT scan with a large diaphragm difference: 20 mm and with titanium pins in the spine 

Training set:

·         Enhanced CT scan

·         Mask of the lungs of the enhanced CT scan

·         Unenhanced CT scan with a small diaphragm difference: 4mm

·         Unenhanced CT scan with a large diaphragm difference: 19 mm